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Subliminal and Supraliminal Priming Messaging Perception

Subliminal and Supraliminal Priming Messaging Perception – Defining Subliminal: Operating below the threshold of consciousness is called subliminal. 

Subliminal and Supraliminal Priming Messaging Perception

Understanding Subliminal - Subliminal is defined as signals below the absolute threshold level (ATL) of our conscious awareness.

In simple words - hitting the subconscious mind without actually producing a sensation


What is Subliminal Messaging - As long as you can see or hear a message but you’re not conscious of hearing and seeing it, that message is subconscious.

A subconscious message is also called a hidden message which is inaudible to the conscious mind but audible to the unconscious mind.

What is Subliminal Advertising – Hidden advertising is thought to be a potent form of influence.


In today’s world when advertising plays a crucial role in making a product hit or flop in the consumer's mind, the role of concealed advertising is crucial. As subconscious messages do have the power to influence us in our decision-making.


A common example of unconscious advertising is in movie theaters. You must have seen a slide flashing on the screen for nanoseconds reading. 

“Feeling Hungry – Grab Ur Pop Corn”


The messaging is so fast that your conscious brain might not have noticed that but your subconscious mind secretly stored that information in your brain and your subconscious mind will act accordingly to the message store.

Subliminal and Supraliminal Priming Messaging Perception

Interestingly in movies, the concept of hidden adverting is used to the extent that our conscious mind does not recognize it. The product logo or the product itself is flashed on the screen when your favorite hero is dancing or fighting with the villain that your eyes do not recognize that but your subconscious mind read it and stored it for retrieval in near future. 

It’s still not known whether concealed advertising works or not; it’s somehow related that wherever the hidden advertising had been used, the sales have increased and interestingly the consumer remains unaware that he has been targeted.

How Subliminal Messaging Works - Our mind consists of two parts: the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is much active and responsive in terms of processing information. [Studies suggest that the mind processes about 400 billion bits of knowledge per second and therefore the impulses travel at a speed of up to 100,000 mph. whereas conscious mind processes only about 2,000 bits of data per second and its impulses travel only at a speed of up to 100-150 mph.] The information related to our desires and motives is processed by the subconscious mind.

Subliminal and Supraliminal Priming Messaging Perception

Subliminal priming is a stimuli that cannot be observed by our conscious mind. Subconscious advertising, priming or messaging hits the subconscious mind of the human. Unknowingly we are fed with information that is not directly presented to us. 

Unconscious messaging or priming deliver an idea that the conscious mind doesn't detect, as the information is flown at such a high speed that we usually don’t read with an active mind but our subconscious mind has read and processed that information. Hidden messages only have subconscious influence.

Subliminal and Supraliminal Priming Messaging Perception

Hidden messaging works due to Placebo Effect [Placebo Effect in business is used to manage the expectations; the customers are made to believe that they need the product or service that you are offering.]

Subliminal and Supraliminal Priming Messaging Perception

How Subliminal Affects Sales - As a salesperson every sales rep infuses hidden messaging in his sales interaction. Surprised? But it’s true. Let’s understand “How”


Sale is not only the physical attribute but it includes the emotional quotient too. While selling there is a subconscious element of inducement or convincing to be simple. While doing so a sales rep unconsciously creates a feeling of interest, comport, confidence, and trust about buying in the subconscious mind of the client, while describing the physical and logical benefits of the product in the conscious mind of the client. 


A sales rep is doing subconscious marketing in the mind of his prospect throughout his sales pitch. The non-verbal gestures form a part of subconscious messaging, as your body language silently makes a mark in the subconscious mind of your client without even being noticed. These non-verbal gestures help to build your rapport with your prospect.

Subliminal and Supraliminal Priming Messaging Perception

Definition Supraliminal – Operating above the threshold of consciousness is called supraliminal


Understanding Supraliminal – Signals above the absolute threshold level (ATL) of consciousness is called supraliminal


What is Supraliminal Messaging – Stimulus that people can notice, they are not hidden messages, but people don’t know that it is influencing their behavior. The supraliminal stimulus has both conscious and subconscious influences.


What is Supraliminal Advertising – Supraliminal primes have shown to have strong and long-lasting effects.

The classical example of supraliminal advertising is “Amazon”, the most recognized logo worldwide. Amazon strategically placed its smiling arrow messaging they sell A to Z i.e. everything. This silent messaging is in a perfect catching logo.

Subliminal and Supraliminal Priming Messaging Perception

A 1999 study within the Journal of industrial psychology revealed how music influences supermarket buying. For 2 weeks, French and German music was alternately played over the speakers in a very supermarket. The test was designed to point out if shoppers would favor French or German wines linked to the music of the day. 

The result was that French music led to French wines outselling German wines, and German music led shoppers to shop for more German wines. Interestingly, the buyers were not aware that the music affected their buying (North, Adrian C., et al.1999). Thus the shoppers were primed to buy a certain way because of supraliminal music.


Legal or Illegal – Subliminal priming or advertising is illegal in many countries around the world. But no laws are restricting the use of subliminal messaging in advertising.


Subconscious priming is deemed as an “unfair” advertising practice while supraliminal priming is not.


Conclusion – Weather Subliminal or Supraliminal Messaging both are considered a form of adverting that control minds’. Both control people emotionally.

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