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Customers Behavior Types In Sales Marketing

Customers Behavior Types In Sales Marketing and how to deal with them is to be understood by every sales representative in sales management. But before that he should understand who is a Customer and what he demands

“One who purchases a commodity or service is referred as Customer”

Customers Behavior Types In Sales Marketing

Every client has a different personality and behavior. Consumer is a vital part of every business; no business can survive without customer.

In today’s competitive market consumer is that the key regulator of any product or service. The client controls the success of any business. No business can thrive without buyer satisfaction.

“If you'll not make sure of your client then your competitor will”

In todays’ need-based market every organization should analyze the consumer requirements and preferences. Every client has to be handled differently supported strategic segmentation of their needs and preferences.

If any organization tends to lose control over its buyers then eventually they're landing in very big trouble of losing their market base and heading towards a shutdown.

The main goal of the sales and marketing departments is to sell products and services. What would be a good product if it was not sold and if no customer ever found out about it? 

Marketing and sales departments should know this and see it as their mission to have the customer come back again and again to see the product and purchase. What does this mean? It means that marketing should know exactly what its customers need and then create marketing campaigns and sales pitches to solve their problems.

In sales and marketing, customer behavior refers to the actions, methods, strategies, or behaviors adopted by customers when making purchase decisions. A customer’s behavior towards a product or a service, a company offers can affect the company’s bottom line and therefore determine its financial success. 

Thus, it is important to understand and design the customer experience with a focus on behavior as it affects decision making and product purchase in the sales and marketing industry.

Knowing that customer behavior is a vital component of the marketing mix for any company, this article is a review of the four main attributes of a customer’s behavior during a buying decision:

A. Knowledge and belief that a product or service meets their requirements, ownership, convenience, and value;

B. The depth of the decision made, including the research that preceded the decision;

C. Intentions or intentions and choices, both positive and negative;

D. Emotional responses, such as disappointment, anxiety, and stress; and the readiness of a customer to buy.

A focus on customer behavior through its four attributes (knowledge and belief, ownership, convenience and value, and emotional responses) can give you a framework for improving your customer experience. As this framework is still being developed, it is important to get feedback on the elements from your customers as the more feedback we can provide, the better it can assist us in improving the customer experience.

A customer’s belief that a product or service meets their needs. Just as customer behavior is driven by what the customers are doing and thinking, so too is a company’s sales and marketing behavior driven by the attributes of the customer’s behavior.

Some of the examples and techniques that you can use in your company include:

A. Keep learning from customer behavior to ensure that you are offering the right solutions for your customers’ needs;

B. Are aware of the context of your customer's needs;

C. Develop products and services that help customers meet their needs;

D. Retain ownership of the product or service by offering the right solution;

E. Control the value of your product or service and avoid reducing value through discounts or promotions;

F. Offer a convenient delivery or pick-up time for the customer, ensuring that they do not miss out on a key event;

G. Adjust prices according to changing prices in the market;

I. Offer flexible payment options, including through credit cards, cash, or other forms of payment; and

J. Involve your customers in the sales process to ensure that their needs are addressed.

What Buyers demands before buying? Analysis and study is that the key to success. Always try and analyze the requirements of your client. Handle each client differently counting on their behavior and requirement. Segment your clients as per their requirements.

Let’s understand the consumer demands basis which they create product choice.

A. Price: Price plays the foremost consideration sale. Almost 80% of buyers consider price before the acquisition.

B. Experience: Sales experience attracts the patron to return to the identical sale platform again. It’s the responsibility of the sales rep to form the client’s buying experience pleasurable.

C. Design: Few people prefer design over price and knowledge.

D. Functionality: A product should have the functionality that the purchaser expects

Customers Behavior Types In Sales Marketing

E. Convenience: Consumers favor products that are suitable for them

F. Reliability: Reliable product attracts consumers once again and again.

G. Compatibility: The buyer prefers merchandise that's compatible with the opposite products

One must understand the kind of buyers, to supply the acceptable solution. Segregation of these clients is vital to understand the demand and preferences and then engaging on these demands in step with the consumer behavior for final outcome.


Let’s be told different Types of Customers and the way to accommodate them?

1. Needs-Based Consumers: The client who is attentive to his need and requirement. These forms of consumers know what they require. Thus an acquisition rep doesn't require working very hard on them; rather a sales rep needs a fanatical and strategic approach to shut the sale as they'll be easily drifted to your competitor if the completion provides the identical product or service at a better cost and package.

How to cater to them?

Remove their objection and queries at the initial stage and provides them good buying experience.


2. Loyal Customer: These are the purchasers hard to seek out and difficult to retain. Loyalty comes in ages and repetitive experiences. The buyer’s experience with the product/service/dealing makes him loyal specifically. No two consumers may be identical, thus the loyalty factors vary from client to client.

Loyal consumers are the brand ambassador of your product. They’re the “word of mouth” marketers. They like to have interaction with their circle and acquaintance to the identical product. They have special attention and pampering. Always appreciate these clients as they're your business generators without extra cost.

How to handle them?

Give them privileges; create their testimonials and utilize them in the brand promotion of your product, this can make them feel valued and connected. Use their experience and replicate the identical on other clientele.

Customers Behavior Types In Sales Marketing

3. Discount Customers: A consumer who buys a product only gets a discount. These consumers prefer a discount on the merchandise over the standard or service. The loyalty of shopper’s changes from time to time looking at the merchandise discount and longevity of the discount

They are not loyal consumers. They stop buying when the discount or sales ends. Stock clearance discounts always attract these forms of consumers within the market. 

How to accommodate them?

Make them feel that the merchandise they're buying is worth quite the value they got. Value your product to form them your loyal clients as the price has given you the possibility to bring them onboard.


4. Impulsive Customers: These are the purchasers who don’t need the precise product but tend to shop for the merchandise merely on their impulsive decision. They create purchase decisions at the spur of the instant. These purchasers often buy products on the advice of the sales rep.

These buyers are short decision-makers; they tend to take decision in brief time and if given choices usually get confused. Thus the sales rep must strategically handle the selection of the purchaser because the need for the merchandise is made during a short span of you time and also the decision meant to be taken in a brief time. These are the purchasers who are moody in their choices. 

How do cope with them?

Time-sensitive offers work best with them; give them time-bound deals to make urgency

Customers Behavior Types In Sales Marketing

5. Potential Customers: Someone showing interest in your product will be the potential buyer. He's who; who needs assistance and guidance from sales rep to require the ultimate decision on the purchase.

Every person who enters your premises won't be the client but surely he may be your potential consumer thus one has to encourage these clients before buying the merchandise. 

How do cope with them?

Provide them you are better of the simplest service.

Propose them the unique solution and assist them at every step.


6. New Customers:  Any consumer who buys your product for the first time is your new buyer. These types of consumers need special attention and handling as they can be your future referrals and help you in generating re-business in their circle. Always treat your new client like a king, make them feel special and privileged on having them into your organization. 

How to deal with them?

Guide them throughout the sales process, make their exercise a cakewalk, and provide guidance and support.

Customers Behavior Types In Sales Marketing
7. Wandering Customers:  A consumer who does not need any product; just entered your store or office to spend some time or gather some information. They usually ask questions related to the product displayed irrespective of its usage and cost. Don’t spend much of your time with them. Assist them with few solutions and ask directly about their needs and requirements. 

How to handle them?

Focus on the USP of your product.

Propose the solution and guide them through every step.

Customers Behavior Types In Sales Marketing

8. Unsatisfied Customers:  These clients are eager to switch from your product to competition as they are not satisfied with the product or service. They are the ones who are looking for an alternative option in the market. Their thread of discontent can be judged by signals like buyer complaints, stopping renewals, downgrading plans, negative reviews, etc.                 

How to deal with them?

Find out what is missing, why your client is dissatisfied with you.

Understand the complaint and fix it ASAP.

Provide solutions to their experience and give them ego massage.


8. Lapsed Customers:  These are the consumers who have left you or your product basis their bad experience. They are the easiest prey to your competitors thus you need to act proactively to identify them and act urgently. 

How to deal with them?

Identify them and meet them at the earliest.

Figure out the problem

Give the solution as per their demand, apologize if required.


9. Referral Customer:  These are the clients who have been referred by your loyal clients to your organization. These prospects can be your potential loyal consumers as they have already been convinced by your loyal clients for your product. 

How to deal with them?

Provide them smooth and clear onboarding to your system.

Note their expectations’ from you and your product as these purchasers usually have high expectations.

Customers Behavior Types In Sales Marketing

10. Referring Customers:  These are the happy consumers on your list and are willing to provide you with a new reference. These clients are the Goldfishes for your organization. 

How to handle them?

Sale reps need to take their feedback on regular basis.

Incentivize them on every referral to motivate them.

Customers Behavior Types In Sales Marketing


Every customer is important and needs separate handling. One single selling technique can’t be used for every client.

Sale or marketing reps require understanding every client's demand and providing them the best ethical solution.


“One satisfied customer can change the fate of the organization”

Love ..... KoolGuruJi


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