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Non Verbal Communication

Non Verbal Communication implies to gestures that are accustomed to communicate using sign and signals

Non Verbal Communication

What is Body Language: Since evolution humans’ used body gestures to speak with one another.

“Selling is not about saying the right thing to the customer and hoping he’ll like it. What it is is telling people who you are, what you do, what you are going to do, and how much you are willing to do it for them, how much you care about them, and how much you believe in their company, their products, and/or what it stands for”.

There is an art to selling. There are successful salespeople, and then there are the unsuccessful ones. Many people fail at sales and a lot of those failures are because they simply don’t understand this important concept, and this applies to everybody including you.

What is Non-Verbal Communication?

Non-Verbal Communication is all the signals that we send out without even thinking. The thoughts that we have while performing such a task are as important as what is said. We are aware of what people say, but we don’t want them to be aware of what we say.

By the same token, our expressions and body language convey a lot of our thoughts and feelings. When I am trying to close a deal, I am not aware of what I am saying to the other person. It’s mostly on the outer appearance and to my body language.

There are many layers to non-verbal communication and the body is a key part of it.

There are four basic emotional states (pleasant, unpleasant, neutral, negative) and their corresponding body states (sedative, active, active neutral) that can be detected through body language.

The same principles can be applied to non-verbal communication in business to judge whether a sales conversation is successful or not.

Every civilization developed its signs and signals to communicate. With the passage of time, body gestures and signs became a component of our lifestyle. 

Communication became an efficient tool to display our consent, interest, rejection, and fears. 

Sales people are trained to know the communication of their clients to measure their interest or disinterest within the conversation or presentation. 

The sale process has grown with the passage of your time. Companies invest in their departments to fetch the utmost results to lead in the competitive market. 

As a sales rep, one must understand the various body signs and gestures to effectively present thy-self to the client and also must understand the body gestures of the client to extend the success of his presentation. 

Sale isn't a one-sided conversation; it involves mutual interaction between buyer and seller.

Non Verbal Communication

Let’s explore somebody gestures for better results: 

Eye Contact:

Eyes speak it all. “Eyes never lie” 

The eyes of the customer will tell you about his rejection or selection. 

If the prospecting customer is looking in your eyes while interacting, it’s an indication of his interest. 

If he's watching door or watch, it indicates he has lost the interest and desires to travel away from the conversation. 

Your customer will always stare at the thing he's curious about. 

If the client is making 60%-70% eye contact; it's an indication of his interest


Hands n Arms:

If the client is wiggling with the items kept around, it indicates he isn't inquisitive about your presentation.



Feet’s pointed towards you mean that the client is hospitable to your ideas, contrary if pointed away then he's closed off to your ideas.


Tapping feet means you're near the negotiation stage.



If the prospect is smiling, it means he's keen; you may be able to break the ice easily.


Sitting Posture:

If your prospect is leaning at the one side of the chair or couch together with his weight on that then it means he wants to finish the conversation and leave


A good salesperson is the one who could also be an honest listener and reads the gestures of his client.


Always try and understand the signals of your prospect as this may provide you with the possibility to unravel the client queries in an exceedingly very better and efficient manner.


Concepts of non-verbal communication for the sales rep:


Clients’ too read the communication or body language of the sales rep. During the sales conversation, 55% of the message is conveyed by non-verbal gestures, 38% conveyed by the tone of your voice, and 7% by the words that are used during communication.

Tips for Sales Rep:


Hand Shake:

A firm handshake gives confidence to the prospect that he's handling the person of strong character.

Half handshake causes you to lose the 1/2 conversation before start.


Sitting Posture:

Always sit straight and face the client directly.

Never touch the rear of the chair; you will look casual and non-professional


Hands and Feet:

Don’t cross your hands or feet when in conversation as this provides an impression that you are nervous and non-confident. 

Open hands are the gesture of confidence

 Non Verbal Communication

How To Increase The Sale Success?

Here are some tips to increase sales success:

a. Be confident and relaxed.

b. Make eye contact with the other person.

c. Take your time.

d. Be confident and the other person should notice it.

e. Speak loud enough to be heard by the other person but soft enough not to be heard.

f. Never interrupt the other person and make them feel comfortable.

g. Considerate other people around you.

h. Ensure that they understand and have a clear idea of what you are saying and how to respond to it.

i. Avoid personal comments about the other person and stay on the topic.

j. Negotiation tips

Having good negotiation skills is an essential part of selling. You need to create a positive impression, and that can only be done when you have excellent negotiation skills.


Non Verbal communication or Body Language can be a tool that helps any sales rep to investigate the client interest in a better way and thus it works vise a verse for the sales rep too. 

To effectively close a sale one needs to know the signs and signals of his client to shift the gear of sales conversation.

Love ..... KoolGuruJi

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