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Fake Aryan Invasion Theory Debunked By Science

Fake Aryan Invasion Theory Debunked By Science

Arya Meaning in Sanskrit - ‘Arya’ means ‘ Honourable’ (people who followed ‘Vedic culture’ and ‘Vedic Sanskrit). 

The Popular Projected Aryan Theory - In around 2000 BC - 1500 BC few people (basic nomads) from ‘Central Asia’ and regions around ‘Caspian Sea’ Enroute northern mountain ranges (Khyber pass); invaded the land of ‘Sindhu River’ referred to as ‘Sapt Sindhu’ (land of seven rivers) in search of food, fodder, and homelands. After a few decades, they expanded up to the areas of ‘Ganges’ and ‘Yamuna’ to settle there. 

Aryans captured the Indian subcontinent with weapons and horse-drawn chariots forcing Dravidians to become Vedic and created the Sanskrit language along with Vedic culture and traditions. 

The Rig Veda Aryan Depiction - Rig Veda is the main written source (manuscript) defining the Aryan civilization. This era is thus also known as the ‘Early Vedic Period’. The Rig Veda mentions - Aryas settled in the areas of ‘Himvat’ (Himalaya) and ‘Munjavat’ (Hindukush) and expanded to the regions of ‘Kubha’ (Kabul) to ‘Ganges’ (Ganga). 

They were tall and fair complexioned with sharp features riding chariots driven by horses. ‘Bharats’ and ’Tritsu’ were two main ruling tribes and it's from where the name ‘Bharatvarsha’ originated. They majorly worshiped God ‘Purandara’ (Indra) meaning the ‘fort breaker’ who gave rain for prosperity and life.

Let's find an answer to these queries:

a. Who were Aryans?

b. Were Aryans - natives or outsiders?

c. If outsiders - were they invaders or migrators?

d. What is Aryan civilization? 

e. Are we Aryans?

To find an answer to the above queries lets evaluate the following approaches:

a. Literature

b. Linguistic

c. Social Anthropology

d. Archeological Findings

e. Genetics

(A) Literature:- Under British rule, the modern study of Indian history started, before British rule, the Vedas/Puranas/Maha-Kavya were sources of historical events studies. Britishers introduced the formal-modern study of our ancient history to propagate ‘Aryans’; who came from outside and civilized the Indian society (as claimed). 

They hired local scholars and educationists to translate the ancient literature into their language and glorified the Aryan invasion history. As a result, history got manipulated at two different levels; primarily at translators' level and secondary at Britishers' level thus changing the whole true meaning and facts of ancient history. The two interpretation filters distorted the facts and scandalized the fake theories over the true events. 

They glorified the Aryans over the natives by demeaning their (Dravidians) true identity and portrait Aryans as a superior race over others. They (British) introduced themselves as inherits of the great Aryan race to mark their supremacy over Indians.  


# Vedas, Puranas and Maha-Kavyas are major sources of ancient history knowledge, none of the literature portrays Arya as a race or community, rather depict Arya as a ‘good human’ or ‘noble man’, which is testimonies in Rig Veda, Bhagwan Gautam Buddha teachings and even in Mahabharata.


a. Rig Veda: the phrase ‘Jana’ is mentioned 275 times; which means ‘Tribe’, also the phrase ‘Arya’ is mentioned only 36 times in Rig Veda which means ‘noble’. This signifies that nowhere in Vedic history Aryans are mentioned as race or community.

b. Amar Kosh: written in 500 AD describes Aryan as one who behaves good and does good deeds.

c. Buddha teachings: Arya means a nobleman who cannot kill and protects others.

d. Mahabharata: Arya sees everyone equally. 

The Rig Veda was written in around 3750 BC not in 1200 BC as falsely said
(Ref- Raj Vedam).

# The Saraswati river dried/extinct in 1900 BC as per Rig Veda, but Aryans came to India in 1200 BC - how?.

# Why have any other country (especially home country) scriptures in the world haven’t depicted such a great migration of Aryans into the Indian subcontinent?.

# The Rakhigari site archeological findings/sample analysis revealed that Harappan spoke the Dravidian language.

(B) Linguistic:- Germany and Britain were the countries who propagated the Aryan invasion theory to the world, let’s understand their roles individually:

Germany - Germans got influenced by the rich linguistic approach of Sanskrit, many German scholars and educationists started studying Sanskrit out of curiosity. In the 19th century, a new theory was floated in Germany; that Germans are the pure Aryan race and in the 20th century Adolf Hitler propagated this theory to justify his Holocaust acts against the native jews, portraying Jews and Russians as an impure inferior race. Hitler used the ’Swastika’ as his symbol to relate himself with the so-called great Aryan race.

The Britain - British wanted to divide India on basis of racial discrimination; so as to create rift among North and Nouth India to fulfil their colonial motives; thus propagated the Aryan invasion theory. They projected Elite Indians and British are similar; “the we are Aryan clan of long distant brothers”, this helped them to gain the confidence of elite Indian society who related themselves with the British as their long distant lost brothers thy projecting them a superior race than rest of native countrymen.

a. In 1786 - William Jones (British scholar) studied and presented the relation between Indo-European language and projected ‘Sanskrit, Greek, Roman, Persian, Gothic, Celtic languages are similar as they all belong to single ‘aryan group of language’.

b. In 1800-1859 - Thomas Babbington Macaulay (chairman of British education board) propagated the Aryan invasion theory and believed English as the most superior language in the world.

c. In 1800-1850 - Thomas Macaulay hired a German-born Freidrich Max Muller (philologist and Sanskrit scholar) living in England (paid him $10K) to manipulate Vedic scriptures and give Aryan theory a racial angle. He declared that Aryans invaded India in 1500 BC who wrote Rig Veda in 1200 BC in his books.


Fake Aryan Invasion Theory Debunked By Science

# Sanskrit is an ancient Vedic language that originated in India. 

# Sanskrit is the base of Artificial Intelligence (AI language) of computers. 

# Upon study, it was found that Roman and Greek languages are sister languages to Sanskrit. 

# If the Sanskrit was developed by Indo-Europeans in the Vedic period, then why the European languages are less advanced than ‘Sanskrit’? to which no European scholar has any answer.


a. Dev (Sanskrit) - Dio (Latin) - Theo (Greek) - Dieu (French) {meaning GOD}

b. Udaka (Sanskrit) - Vodka (Russian) {meaning WATER}

c. Agni (Sanskrit) - Ignis (Latin) - Ignite (English) {meaning FIRE}

(C) Social Anthropology:- It’s conveyed that Aryans were nomadic warriors, who reached India in many waves over a long period of time in search of food and fodder. They got retaliation from the native habitats who fought for every inch of land they landed upon. The Rig Veda described natives (Indians) as ‘krishnatvach’ (dark-skinned) having unsweet sounding speech, referring them as ‘dasas’ or ‘dasayus’ meaning (waste).


Rakhigari findings revealed that farming was started indigenously by natives of Indus Valley Civilization in South Asia, not by Iranian farmers from the west as claimed earlier.

(D) Archeology:- Thomas Babbington Macaulay (chairman British education board) instructed Mortimer Wheeler (British archeologist) to promote that Indus Valley Civilisation was destroyed by Aryans from Europe in 1500 BC in his releases. The Aryan invasion propaganda was supported by portraying that Indus Valley Civilisation was destroyed in 1500 BC.

Painted Grey Ware Culture (PGW) excavation sites at Bhagwanpura (Kurukshetra-Haryana), Dhandheri (Ludhiana), Katpalan, and Nagar (Jalandhar) unearth pottery (humped bull-shaped carnelian pendant, terracotta beads, etc.) and horses bones relics (aging 1600 BC - 1000 BC); supporting the Aryan literature theory. As per Rig Veda, the horses and chariots played an extensive role in human life during the Vedic period. 

Fake Aryan Invasion Theory Debunked By Science

The Rakhigari Site (Hisar-Haryana) -

In 1920 the Harappan Civilisation of 2nd & 3rd millennium BC came into light.

# The excavation of the site started post-independence in the year 1960.

# It’s the largest Indus Valley civilization site spreading up to 550 hectares in area.

# The carbon dating in 2014 of lady skeleton (I6614) revealed that the settlement dated back to 4470 BC (around 6500 years old).

# The necropolis discovered dated between 2500 BC - 2000 BC. 

# The detailed study/analysis of archeological findings at Rakhigari by Dr. Vasant Shinde (archeologist) and Dr. Neeraj Rai (geneticist) along with David Reich (Harvard medical school geneticist) proved the artefacts and relics belonged to the age of 3300 BC thus making Indus Valley civilization (Harappan civilization), world’s earliest civilization along with Mesopotamian and Egyptian civilization called the pre-Aryan era thus challenging the Aryan theory of invasion.

The findings of swords, spears and armour indicates the warrior attributes of Harappan. 

# Harappa civilisation was Vedic, which is evident from the findings of Om Seals, Yoga Posture Artefacts, and Swastik Seals during excavation.

# The Vedic/Aryan civilization does not have any archeological findings supporting the invasion theory except the written texts.

(E) Genetics:- David Reich the American professor gave the theory of genetic changes in Indian society post-Aryan invasion. David declared that the Aryan gene (R1a1) originated in a population of Bronze Age pastoralists/herders (from Central Asia) some 4000 years ago; this male-driven gene (R1a1) have its imprint on the population of North India & Northern Europe (the Sanskrit speaking population).  

Fake Aryan Invasion Theory Debunked By Science


Rakhigari Site Findings - 

The DNA analysis of female skeleton (I6614) from the Rakhigari site revealed ancestry related to Andamanese Tribe and Ancient Iranian Tribe.

# Rakhigari DNA matches with other 11 DNA samples of skeletons found in ancient sites (in Iran and Turkmenistan) that traded with the Indus Valley.

# All 12 DNA sample studies suggested that Indus Valley civilization preceded the male migrants (R1a1 gene) from steppe (who introduced Indo-European language in India).

# The DNA found at Rakhigari does not relatively have common genes (ancestry) with people coming from the pastoral steppe of Anatolia (Turkey) and Iranian farmers.

Rakhigari Site Sample Analysis -

# The DNA revealed that there was no migration or inclusion of Iran or Central Asia gene into the Harappan people genetics. 

# Rakhigari DNA sample i.e. Indus Valley has minimum lineage from Iranian hunters and Andamese hunters (that split in 12000 BC).

# Ancestral North Indian genetics is a mix of indigenous genome + steppe pastoralists genome.

# Ancestral South Indian genetics is a mix of indigenous genome + Andamanese (southeast) genome.

# A study  published in September 2019 claimed that Harappan and Vedic people are same; suggesting that modern people in India are likely to have defended from the same population. (Pratul Sharma, The Week, September 2019)


Civilization Movement In and Out of India: (Dr. N.S. Rajaram)

Around 80000 BC a genetic mutation happened.

# Around 73000 BC massive ’Toba Volcanic Eruption’ destroyed life in South Asia creating conditions for civilization to evolve.

# Resulting in 6000 years of long ‘volcanic winter’.

# Around 65000 BC groups of Africans migrated to India and the Arabian coast, as post effect of ‘Toba Eruption’ Enroute coastal routes.

# All non-African humans and their languages can be traced to ‘thousand or so’ survivors in India at that time. 

# Around 52000 BC population migration started towards East Asia and Australia as a result of climate warming.

# Around 45000 BC group of Indo-Europeans migrated towards north and west in search of food.

# Around 10000 BC the ice age ended, the second wave of Indo-Eurasian started agriculture and animal husbandry along with Sanskrit as their language and culture.


Fake Aryan Invasion Theory Debunked By Science


# Harappa civilization originated around 9000 years ago as a mix of African and Native habitants.

# The Harappan civilization does not have literature support as the Harappan scripts are still unreadable (can’t be interpreted), once they get decoded the entire history will change.

# Ved defines ‘Gauda Desha’ as North India and ‘Dravida’ as South India.

# Mahabharata wrote about ‘Kuru Vansha’, who were descendants of ‘Bharata Vansha’ and ‘Puru Vansha’.

# Britishers thought us whatever they wanted, they created Aryan controversy for their self-interests, especially to malign our national and Hindu identity. 

# Britain wanted to promote the west agenda of racial supremacy and colonialism. So they propagated that natives are inferior and  the elite group of people are the Aryan inherent thus creating a rift in society with racial division.

# British to divide India on bases of race; became the fake invading Aryans from Europe. 

# Germany wanted a new identity as a superior race by out-throwing the jews, so to remove Judaic heritage they became fake Aryans.

# The R1a1 gene present in modern civilization is absent in Indus Valley civilization sample analysis.

The DNA studies have confirmed that the North and South Indian population possess indigenous DNA with no traces of outside DNA.

M-17 genetic marker (so-called ‘Caucasian’) shows the greatest diversity in South Asia; it means all non-Africans in the world today are descended from South Asians. 

# India is a continuous civilization counting around 11000 years.

# We can proudly say India is a ‘Vishva Guru’.

Final Words: In the end, I’ll conclude that it all depends on individual to an individual what he/she thinks about their origin or ancestry, its individual opinion whether they believe in science or get intoxicated by extremist thoughts and agendas. 

Knowledge Centre:

# Vedas - Indian ancient religious scriptures (Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Atharva Veda and Sama Veda) 

# Puranas - Sacred religious texts composed in Sanskrit (Vishnu, Naradiya, Padma, Garuda, Varaha, Bhagavata, Matsya, Kurma, Linga, Shiva, Skanda, Agni, Brahmanda, Brahmavaivarta, Markandeya, Bhavishya, Vamana, Brahma)

# Maha-Kavya - Genre of Indian epic poetry in classical Sanskrit (Ramayana & Mahabharata)

# Steppe - A vast area of flat grassland/plain/pampas/savanna found in Eastern Europe & Central Asia

# Pastoral - Land used for keeping or grazing sheep or cattle or husbandry

# Ancestry - People who were in your family in past

Also Read:

A) Partition Of India The British Conspiracy

B) Hindustan Land Of Hindus Believing Hinduism

C) What Was Chakravyuha Battle Formation In Mahabharata


Reference Credit:

# Study IQ education"

# Indian Treasury of Wisdom

# India Inspires

# The Study

# Dr. N.S. Rajaram

#aryans #civilization #saptsindhu #harappan #rigveda #history #sanskrit #propaganda #vedas #indusvalley #koolguruji

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