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Sales Closing Techniques And Reference Generation Methods

Sales Closing Techniques And Reference Generation Methods: Decision is the final outcome of the merchandise post client consent and agreement.

The client decision is the result of the solution provided by the sales rep. The selection is the final result of any sale.

What Are Sales Closing Techniques?

In today's competitive and growing market, every business has to seek new ways to stand out from the competition. One way to do this is by ensuring that their sales channel is utilized to its full potential, utilizing various sales closing techniques. 

There are lots of ways to go about this, so it is important that you have an in-depth understanding of your business, the customers you serve, and also what makes you different from other sellers in your industry.

Step-by-step Sales Closing Techniques: Below are some of the techniques that are used in the business world:

a. Openings: For starters, the first step is always to let your potential customers know that you are offering a service. You can always post your ads on your websites, print out flyers, or use social media to create a buzz around the products and services that you are selling.

Are your ads online? Use social media platforms such as Facebook, Linkedin, or Twitter to promote yourself and the businesses that you are selling to.

Are your ads printed out? Yes, you can print the ads out yourself and put them in your offices or in your trucks to hand out to potential customers.

Are your ads in newspapers? Yes, you can advertise in newspapers using ad space that is usually provided by the newspapers. Make sure that you have put the right price on the ad and use enough copies to ensure that there are enough to hand out to potential customers.

Are you handing out your business cards? Yes, you can hand out your business cards to potential customers to help them sign up for your free email newsletter and services.

b. Sales Presentation: One of the most important aspects of selling a product or service is its presentation. For your client to believe in your product or service you need to provide an accurate picture of what it does. This involves:

1. The Graphics and Images

2. The Name of the Product or Service

3. The Expected Result that it Delivers

4. The Benefits it Provides

5. The Price

6. The Warranty

You also need to be able to provide evidence to back up each claim, this can be done by:

1. Selecting the Right Graphics

2. Finding Out the True Cost of Using the Product

3. Contacting Any Suppliers or Manufacturers to Obtain Price Quotes or Proof of Purchase

It is important to be able to prove each claim. The best way to do this is by collecting client references. Understanding what it takes to collect clients' references is the first step to collecting enough of them to close a deal.

It can be easy to sell to someone if you make a lot of money doing it. You also need to be able to convince the person you are selling to of the value of your product or service. Start by finding out more about the clients you are attempting to reach.

Do they know anyone that has already been using your product or service?

If they do have experience with the product they probably have received a report or testimonial from them.

You can gather all this information by talking to them in person, if that doesn't work then most websites allow you to track and monitor your prospects daily.

c. Client Choice: The third most important thing to remember when selling is that your client will have a choice about whether or not to buy from you. You also need to recognize that your customer may not buy your product right now and that's OK.

There are many reasons for this. They could not find it in stock, they need more information, they may have a budget for buying a larger quantity of your product in a different currency or they may be waiting for more salespeople to join their team.

The key here is to make the most of the lead that you are trying to close. Most important is to make the prospect believe that they are making the right choice.

You need to be able to point out any problems, clarify any doubts they may have, and then provide the solution to these problems. You can also use this technique when trying to sell to multiple customers at the same time.

You can meet with each of your customers in a way that they can't easily opt-out of your sales pitch. What does this mean?

This means creating a meeting that is too good to be true.

This means the salesperson doing all the talking and the customer just listening and thinking.

This is also good if you want to show off your salesmanship skills.

And it will only work if the prospect knows exactly what you are selling.

Most salespeople are very concerned about converting a customer. This means that they focus a lot of energy on only the sales point and forget about the lifetime value of the customer.

d. Life Time Value: This is the amount of money the customer is going to make in the future.

So the key to a good sales presentation is to communicate the value that is in the long term future for the customer and to show them that they will benefit from buying your product or service.

Using tools like the bottom line, bottom line report or customer value analysis will help you show value to your prospect.

Thinking about the lifetime value is good because the longer the customer is happy with your product or service, the more likely they are to be buying from you in the future.

e. Sales Statistics: If you have done some reading, then you will have probably come across something that says that once a customer has been exposed to your product for 90 days then they will use it for two years.

That is usually only if the customer did not have problems with the product in the first place.

This means that any new customer can be bought for as little as 30 days.

If you are selling to a big company then it can be more like a year to have a good chance of closing a deal.

f. Sales Skills: The most important thing when it comes to closing a sales deal is to have the right attitude.

The key is to be prepared. The first thing you should do before you get into the room is to have a written agreement with your prospect so that you both know what is going to be discussed. That way there is no confusion about what is going to happen.

If you don't have an agreement, make sure that you let your prospect know so they are not in a difficult situation.

When you are in the room you should follow the rule of five.

At any point in the conversation, you should ask five questions to test the other person's knowledge and ability to answer them.

If you aren't prepared for the answers, stop the conversation and have another meeting.

When you are in a sales pitch, it is a good idea to make your prospect feel that they are getting something out of your presentation.

For example, you could point out that your product has improved their life in some way, or you could show how much more valuable their organization is to the world as a result of having your product.

You should also think about how you can sell the product to your prospect in a way that allows them to have a little fun.

You could show the salesperson in the company how you have made your job easier or you could even make a bet with your customer about who is going to win the next Premier League football title.

g. Giving Value To The Customer: If you are going to provide a service, it is very important that you provide a way for your customer to give feedback to you and to give you feedback. It is very important that you always give some feedback to your customer. It is easy to give feedback when you have the chance to meet with them.

At the same time, it is important that you can accept feedback because you should be able to read the feedback from the customers to know whether they would be willing to go to future appointments.

Although some companies, that provide professional services, might go to great lengths to provide feedback about customers, it is very important to remember that your service will still be there if your customers choose not to give feedback to you. You might find that you are unable to deliver the services that you have offered to your customers if they do not give feedback.

If you want your customers to give you feedback, then the best thing that you can do is to provide a way for them to send feedback to you directly.

h. Customer Service: Once you have customers, it is very important that you offer a way for them to give feedback to you.

Many companies, that offer professional services, make it very difficult for customers to give feedback. They do not provide a way for customers to communicate with the company.

It is very important that you provide a way for your customers to communicate with you. If you do not provide a way for your customers to communicate with you, then you will find that it will be very difficult for you to know how well you are doing.

i. Customer Satisfaction: There is a very simple reason why it is so important to have a customer service department in your company. Customer satisfaction is very important because you may lose your customers if they are not satisfied with your product or service.

You have to remember that you need to have a customer satisfaction department that is working to deliver on the promises that you have made to your customers. To make this possible, it is very important that you provide a way for your customers to contact you. If you do not provide this way, then you will find that you are unable to deliver on the promises that you have made to your customers.

By creating a way for your customers to communicate with you, you can keep them up to date with everything that is happening

j. Business Cards: Using business cards is one of the most effective ways to make sales if you do a good job of placing them in the hands of potential customers. Make sure that the business card has all of your contact information on it. Also, make sure that you add in a clear offer to complete a free website or promotional activity in exchange for contact information. 

It is always a good idea to create a memorable business card that stands out from the rest and makes it easy for the customers to reach out to you. You can use a business card printer to make your cards and you can also print them on waterproof paper.

k. Be Upfront With Your Price: One of the main points of contact that you make with your potential customers is usually by offering a price. Your offer is going to be the most appealing to a potential customer if you are upfront with it and you do it without any hesitation. 

Many businesses use a form or a direct quote to the customer. It is very rare for customers to accept the price without any hesitation. Remember to be flexible with your prices, some customers are willing to pay more, even though you thought that the price was negotiable.

If you are offering a service, then the prices are going to vary depending on the complexity of the work that is going to be done. It is always a good idea to come up with a way to price the service where it is going to be clear for the customer to understand how much the job will cost.

However, it is very important to explain if the price is not clear or if the customer is not able to understand the rate.

l. Delivery: If you are going to provide a service, make sure that you deliver it promptly. One of the first steps to prepare for a potential customer to meet with you is to be able to meet the customer in person. You can always make arrangements with friends or family members to help deliver your products and services. Remember to make arrangements that will help to make sure that your products and services will be delivered on time and without any damage.

The more informed a customer is about you and your services, the more willing they are to make an appointment to meet with you. Many people make appointments without even knowing who you are.

m. The People That Your Customers Are Meeting With: When you are working with potential customers, it is important to do it in a way that will make them feel comfortable. If you are going to give a marketing workshop, it is important that you do it in a familiar location and a place where they feel at home. The right location will help to make sure that you create an environment where your customers are more likely to take their time to learn about you.

If you are working with the general public, then you can make sure that you use free resources that they already have at their disposal, such as radio, television, and the internet.

n. Don’t Leave The Paper Bags And Business Cards In The Cars: One of the most important points that you must remember when working with potential customers is that you need to remember to take the paper bags and business cards back to the car. Most people forget to take the bags and business cards back to their car and when it comes time for them to schedule an appointment with you, they will forget that they never got their items.

If you are going to be giving free services to the general public, it is very important that you take the business card back to the car because that is the only way that they will be able to meet with you in the first place.

o. What’s In It For Me?: The phrase is that the golden rule of the sales process, which will help your client to decide in your favor. If the sales rep had answered the need of his client then the respective question arising within the mind of your client is automatically answered. Your client should feel that his need is answered appropriately by the sales rep then he will provide you with the sale.

p. Emotional Quotient: We all are humans and understand the language of emotions, so add emotional quotient to your sale. Emotions help to create decision in your favor because it builds trust between the client and sales rep.

q. Elicit the Business: You'd wish to provoke what you want. Ask for sale. Demand the cheque. You would like to be hungry for the sale. Ask your client to present a decision in your favor.

r. Closure: The results of your sales process is closure.

Sales Closing Techniques And Reference Generation Methods

Reference Generation Methods – Generating new leads basis relationship for brand new contacts

The lifeline of any sale process is generating new references. Without reference generation, no salesperson can survive.

“If you have a good relationship with customers or clients during some time working in an exceedingly very particular role, ask them if they're going to be your references. 

How To Collect Client Reference In Sales Practice?

One of the best ways to make sure you get more referrals from customers is to develop the expertise that a good reference seeker will be looking for. When you know someone who has the expertise that someone in the market for your services will be looking for, a simple call or meeting is often enough to get them to take the initiative to tell others. 

If you are uncomfortable starting a referral marketing program, work up to it slowly by targeting current customers with a special offer to get their friends or family to pass the word along.

A sales presentation is an essential part of any sales process. Here are tips on how to collect client references in sales practice to maximize your chances of closing a deal:

a. Buddy Up: Be friendly with other salespeople in your area and find out who is working on the referral program and who is not. Ask them if they are taking customers to their colleagues to refer. 

What's their process for doing so? 

Is it a lot of work? 

Do they need to send them a million packages or spend time doing this? 

Does it generate a lot of business?

"Let the success of other referral marketers become a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you have some clients who are willing to talk about someone you know who can help them, you have the beginnings of an eager buyer pool. Now all you need is a smart program to find and call them."

You'll probably need to train your sales staff to be more effusive with their referral opportunities. There is a tendency to hesitate when asking someone for a referral, not wanting to make the ask for fear that they will make you do all the work or your salesperson will get a reputation for being the annoying guy who is constantly bugging customers for more business.

There is another advantage to referral programs. They give agents an easy way to connect, and they give salespeople an easy way to grow their business. People who work with other people who are skilled at what they do are more likely to refer you to the people they know who can help your business grow.

"No one can sell your business as you can. It's better to start with a network of referrals before you hire someone full time, even if you spend a good deal of time vetting someone," said Brad Inman.

b. Research, Research, Research: Find out who is on your competition's referral list and who is not. Gather all the information that you can, including contact information for the people who respond to the list. Make note of all the people on your list. 

A decent list should have between 05 and 20 people on it, with names, phone numbers, addresses, and geographical locations for each. Write down the names and contact information of everyone who knows someone in the market for your services.

Now go through each of them and call, email, or fax them to see if you can get them to tell their friends, or if they can suggest someone else to you. Is it just annoying? Or does it generate the kind of business you want to generate? You could get the information you need just by the fact that they are willing to talk to you.

Most importantly, most of the time these individuals don't even know that they are in the market for your services. Your goal should be to get them to send your business to someone else, so be friendly.


You might start with a phone call and say something like: "Hey, I've just been doing some research on buying a home. Have you ever thought of selling your house? I'm at the market for my next house and my agent thinks we could work together. If you want to do business with me, I could use some good leads. You've got to talk to my agent, though. I'm sure she can get you the information that you need to help you sell your house. Let me know if you're interested, and I'll put her in touch with you. If not, I appreciate you letting me know that you have the time to talk to me."

Then just keep calling. The most successful referral programs are those that keep calling people until they take the action that you're asking for.


Tips for Customer Reference Program:

1. Make Connect: Creating an emotional connection with your customer needs time. You can’t make a connection during one day. Your customer is your referee if he contains a decent experience with you and your product. Customers only want to become references if they feel enthusiastic about your product and your brand.

2. Be Authentic and Genuine: Be available for your client. Once he feels that you just are available for him he will get inclined towards you and your services. Be authentic and genuine in your deal as this will strengthen your mutual bond of connection.

3. Segment your Clients: No two clients are neither the same nor their experience with you, thus segment the clients as per your product and reference requirements’. The concept is to possess customer references from different parts of your customer base.

4. Thank Them: They're doing a favor by providing you with the reference, so, do thank them. Thank them personally to create bonomy with them.


· Reference generation may be a way that if practiced effectively makes life easy.


· To fetch the reference post-sales is straightforward as you have got already got a relation along with your client and few trigger questions help to assemble a productive reference for a sales rep.

· Use close-ended direct questions.

· Don’t make your reference think in generating the names, if you give them time to think then the whole process will dilute.

· Ask a minimum of 5 references from your client to create a pipeline.

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