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Sales Process Approaching Client For Sales Meeting

How to approach the client for sales meeting is the most common query haunting the sales person. The skills and sales process makes the task easy for every sales person.

Approach  Contacting your client over phone/mail/message or meeting personally.

"Time to hit the market post analytical homework."

Before personally meeting the client one must understand the subsequent steps to create sale meeting effective and closure oriented.

Sales Process Approaching Client For Sales Meeting

The contact may well be remodeled telephonic call or e-mailers or maybe through messages so finally lead towards client meeting betting on the merchandise and client requirements.

3 Methodologies In Approach:

(a) Scripting  The ABC of pitch is named script. Script could be a sales tool (document/pattern) with flow of the conversation/interaction/talking points between sales person and also the client. It’s the index page of the book called selling. The process to approach the client is meant and planned in script. Script binds the client to grant nod for an arrangement when used effectively.

(b) Qualifying the Leads  Post making a contact along with your client using the dedicated script what we get as an outcome is that the qualified lead. Qualified Lead means the client whom we've got shortlisted on the idea of our discussion and these are the clients aligned for appointment. Qualified leads are the clients who have shown interest/keenness within the product have given permission the sales meeting.

© Meeting  The ultimate outcome of the primary stage of sale. Half the trail has been covered. Now you're at the door of your required client and therefore the fortune is in your hand. The marketing and selling skills of a sales person will take him further.

Remember “First Impression is that the Last Impression” sales meeting will decide whether the client is convinced with the merchandise or not.

Never be in hurry to shut the meeting. Let the client ask more and more questions, the more he inquires, the more the possibilities of conversion.

The visual communication plays important role during the sales meeting. The client will judge the sales rep confidence supported his body moments and gestures.

Always wear a smile on your face during the meeting, remember you're the brand ambassador of your product and also the sale begins as you meet the client.

Types of Sales Approaches:

1) Premium Sales Approach  The premium sales approach is more common in B2C sales. The possible client is obtainable premium (gift). This approach has ability to connect the client and make him hear the sales representative. It helps in initiating the contact.

2) Product Sales Approach  Provide your prospective buyer a free sample. This may help in creating the primary hand touch and feel factor to the client. Before actually selling the merchandise the sales rep introduces the merchandise experience to the client.

3) Network Sales Approach  The best and widely effective tool to approach your client, but only if the sales rep has built a powerful network of trust and relationship. A network sale is changing the platforms with growing years. Now social media is that the key player in network sales approach.

Approaching Client in Sales Process. This phase can be tricky as you will be making a lot of sales calls but they won’t be brand new clients to you. They are more likely to be existing clients that have been asked to contact you. These could be customers you’ve sold a product to before or potential new customers who are just starting the sales process. 

You might also be reaching out to existing clients with proposals or in hopes that they will continue to do business with you after you make a deal. 

Whatever the case, this phase requires you to “walk-in” with confidence and a fun attitude. You must be able to sit back and let them try out your products or services and come to you with solutions to their problems. Don’t take it personally if they don’t seem interested and wait for them to come to you. If they want to talk about it you will be there.

When you walk into a customer's office there is a possibility that the people you are working with will be coming to you to resolve a problem they’ve been having with another vendor. That vendor is their salesperson or sales team. That is their lifeblood and their livelihood. 

If you are a new vendor trying to establish a relationship with them, it’s even more important that you are a team player. Your ability to get them to trust you as their solution is everything. If you can sell their products, you can sell your services to them.

The customer/sales team will be asking you to walk through their problem. If they’re using different products or services from you it may be a good idea to point this out. It’s a subtle way to let the customer know that if you are their source of value, you can do anything. They’ll be especially impressed if you can solve their problems for them within your product portfolio or, better yet, create an entirely new solution. 

Not only will this differentiate you as a provider but you will also make your company look more viable to the customer.

Do Not Do This If:

Your product is not a well-known brand. 


You don’t already have an existing relationship with the company.


Don’t Play the Partner Card

It’s important to bring up your own experience as a problem solver. Share your story about how you solved a problem at your last company. Show how your company solves challenges for other companies. 

You don’t have to beat around the bush and be overly aggressive but you should talk about your talents as a problem solver. Even if you aren’t exactly a “can do” or “do it yourself” type of person, mention that your business solves problems, regardless of how big or small they are.

You can mention the fact that you use a variety of vendors. If you can talk about a product or service that you would recommend they look into, it will make you sound like a valuable resource. 

People appreciate someone who doesn’t let their ego get in the way and goes out of their way to help others.

Stay In Your Element: Don’t show up as some type of sales-oriented professional that is always pushing them for money or services. These are not the people you are contacting. 

If the customer is there to make a sale then they already have a salesperson. Now, they just need a new partner that they can work with to help them make the right decision.

You are there to help them resolve their problems. It is very important that you not be the bait for a sales call. If they want you to help them solve their problem, they will come to you.

Do Not Play The Partner Card: If they say that they are looking for a solution, then it’s their problem and they need to figure it out. You are not going to be their one-stop shop. Stay away from this move at all costs. They want to sell you something because if they don’t, then they might lose you as a potential partner.

Be Open to Talking: If you have a script ready to go, then go for it. This should be one of the best points in your training because it helps you to stay focused and take the conversation in a direction that is beneficial to both parties. If it is a sales call then stick to the script. If you are discussing a new relationship with a new customer, you can be open about your work and interests.

It’s important that you continue to respect them as equals. You should never place yourself above them or place your company as an authority above theirs. Let them feel like you are just as passionate about solving their problems as they are, and make them feel like they can trust you.

Do Not Do This If: The customer is demanding an immediate response. They are likely looking for a quick sale or an answer in a matter of days, not days. You don’t have a current relationship with the company.

Don’t Be Impatient: Unless the customer is screaming at you or blatantly demanding something, stay calm and make them feel at ease. They will oftentimes become very frustrated. They feel like they are being rushed through their decision-making process. This is very normal for them. Just remember, they are looking for you to solve their problems.

Shoot Straight With Them: If you are feeling uncomfortable or they make you feel uncomfortable, then just respond with honesty. You don’t have to lie or hide anything. If you know the situation is not a good fit, be honest. Let them know why it is a good fit and that you have your ideas as well. That will help you save the relationship and avoid you having to backtrack on your decision.

Back Yourself Up: You should never back down from a challenge. When you come across a situation that you feel is not worth your time, you have to figure out a way to overcome that. If you are stuck on an issue, just think about how you would approach it if you were doing it for yourself. You will immediately be able to see how you would solve the problem.

Conclusion: As an entrepreneur, you are constantly getting your hands dirty. You are solving problems, making decisions, and managing people. All of these things take a lot of energy and grit.

Emotions can be a very strong part of our lives, and we often don’t see them for what they are. Feelings are the backbone of emotions. If you don’t deal with them properly, you could lead yourself into making rash decisions and missing out on a golden opportunity.

Your future is in your hands. Whether you are a business owner or a small business owner, you are responsible for the decisions that you make. Not only is it very important that you consider the long-term consequences of your decisions, but you are also responsible for yourself. Emotions can take you away from your overall mission, from your primary goal.

If you want to be successful in your business, you need to make decisions that are based on facts and on what makes sense for you. Emotions can help you do the right things, but you also have to make sure that you keep yourself out of the way and let them take over.

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